State of Georgia Themes
Some of the ideas that I come up with have been simmered on the back burners of my mind for a long time. Then, one day one of them flies off the stove.
That's what happened when I came up with the idea to create my Georgia Pride fabric art series.
Y'all Means All was my first idea.
What better way to encompass the All aspect by transforming our state's shape into a rainbow. I've used a few different fabric lines that I fell in love with. The metallic speckles fabric is the newest version.
As for the background, I stumbled upon one of the greatest fabrics of all time- We The People. It has words and phrases that include 'We The People', 'Proclamation', 'Bill of Rights' and 'Congress.'
It really does add an entirely deeper level for Y'all Means All. We are All, we matter and we deserve equal rights.
Each Georgia starts out as a collection of 32" strips that are sewn together. The shape is hand-cut from those strips.
Earlier this year I decided to offer smaller pieces with just the state's shape.
My latest interpretation of the rainbow was created in all acrylic canvas. The state was created with 6 canvases and inset into the brilliant blue canvas with iridescent white and iridescent gold splatter. That is one of my favorite combinations!
One of the coolest ideas that later flew off the back burner was to take the Georgia shape and transform them into heat reflective trivets! I am very excited to offer these on-line and at events.
I still marvel at how each of these have been plucked from my mind and molded into tangible representations of the struggle for equality.
What else am I going to come up with? I still have things simmering on those back burners. You'll just have to stick around to see what I serve up!