Crafty Friends

I have met many people over the years at events.   Some have been booth neighbor and many I now call friends.  I picked a few of their brains when I was deciding to start my own small business.  Their insight has been invaluable! 


Indie South is a wonderful locally sourced store and resource for local Athens, Georgia crafters.  Indie South organizes events that include, the monthly Abnormal Bazar market.  Springtacular and Holiday Hooray are 2 day events and the biggest events in Athens. The two-day events feature between 100-110 wide range of handcraft, vintage and modern makers.  

Wil Eskridge
Local artist extraordinaire.  I've met Will a few times at events. Creates very funky, eclectic, pop culture paintings.

Lexi Brite
I've been at numerous events with Lexi over the years. She has a great collection of pop-culture towels, original artwork, prints and stickers

Walter Arnold
I met Walter so many years ago at the Atlanta Dogwood Festival and we've kept up with each other ever since.  Walter specializes in photography of abandoned places.  His work can also be found in Ashville NC.  

Greg Stone
I stumbled across Greg at the Atlanta Dogwood Festival many years ago.  I was immediately drawn so quickly to his artwork.   Penguins, zombies, rabbits, giant robots and more!   I've bought so many prints of his work over the years.  He frequently sells out of originals at every event he attends.

Flower Floozie Designs 
I met Karen Earnhardt in Charleston, SC during Spoleto several years ago.  She makes the most wonderful stained glass and yard ornaments around.  She also has do it yourself kits.  I picked up 3 just to play: pineapple, sea turtle and palmetto 

Sew Sew Studio
This is a great local Athens area fabric and sewing machine shop.  They expanded their shop footprint in 2022 and even have online shopping.   They are super nice and they are to work with when purchasing sew machines or embroidery machines. I purchased my Janome Skyline S7 from Sew Sew!

Oriskany Glass Studio
He makes the most fantastic glass prisms. They all sparkly and shimmer in the sun of his booth space.  It's quite a sight!   I've been at a few events over the years with him and have purchased two pieces.  A small one hangs at home and a larger version hangs at work.

Daisy And Mum Quilt Co
Katherine makes the most awesome assortment of bags!  I was her neighbor at Springtacular 2023.

Jamie Calkin
Jamie is a powerhouse Athens artist.  His work can be found in the form of murals and painted cars can around Athens.  He has originals, prints, puzzles and does commission work.

James Mertke
James is a very talented acrylic artist in San Jose, California. I stumbled across his Instagram. He specializes in small subjects that really caught my eye!   I've seen small pieces of fruit, flower and Taco Bell sauce packets!

Everywhere Is Queer
The ultimate worldwide map of LGBQTIA+ owned businesses.